Conversation overheard at an unspecified Customs and Passport Control point
(possibly at the border with one of Russia’s neighbors)
Customs Officer: Nationality?
Tourist: Pусский. (Russian)
Customs Officer: Occupation?
Tourist: Нет! Нет! Я только посещение!
(No! No! I'm just visiting!)
(No! No! I'm just visiting!)
The use of “tourist” cover by KGB, GRU and regular Soviet
Army officers was employed within the Soviet bloc on more than half a dozen
occasions between 1956 and 1987. On a number of occasions (Poland 1956, 1980
and 1981, Romania 1968 and 1987) such “tourism” was not accompanied by any observably
hostile action, as if the deployment was based on a contingency that did not
occur or for an operation that Moscow, in the final analysis, chose not to
Did the USSR have sufficient motive for deploying “tourists”
in Romania in 1989?
Post-mortem assessments of the invasions of Hungary in 1956
and Czechoslovakia in 1968 by U.S. intelligence concluded that Moscow’s
principle motivation for military intervention was the loss of Soviet control;
either intentionally, when local leaders attempted to withdraw from the Warsaw
Pact, or unintentionally, because of serious domestic instability. ( Czechoslovakia: The Problem of Soviet Control, 16/01/70)
Former Warsaw Pact Chief of Staff Anatoly Gribkov confirms
that a principal motivation for the 1968 invasion was fear of a “possible loss
of Soviet control over the Czechoslovak armed forces – indeed, in the future
there could arise the question of Czechoslovakia’s departure from the Warsaw
Pact. As a result, there would take place an inevitable weakening of the
European borders of the Pact, followed by a revision of the post-war order in
Europe and the break-up of the East European system of military security as a
whole. The Soviet leadership drew an analogy
with Hungary’s attempt to withdraw from the Warsaw Pact.” (A. I. Gribkov, Sud’ba varshavskogo dogovora: Vospominania,
Dokumenty, fakty [Part
of the Warsaw Pact: Recollections, Documents, Facts], (1998): 117-118)
Did Moscow harbor such concerns regarding Romania? It
certainly did. Already in 1964 Khrushchev argued that leaving the alliance was
“exactly what the Romanian leaders want” but that allowing it would be “totally
and disastrously wrong.” On the contrary, Khrushchev insisted, the “whole
Balkan situation would become untenable” if Romania were to withdraw and it was
“the responsibility of the Party to stop Romania leaving the Pact.” Soviet
Defense Minister Rodion Malinovsky referenced contingency plans in case of an attempted
departure, underscoring that French assistance would hardly be of “any help to
the Romanians in resisting a blitzkrieg from the Warsaw Pact,” while Khrushchev
stated that “if they’re so blind as to try and leave the Warsaw Pact, then our
soldiers, not de Gaulle, will have the last word.”(J. Sejna, We Will Bury You (1982): 74-76)
As the CIA noted in 1965: “Certainly the evidence suggests that Bucharest would at
least like to leave the Pact” and that, by attempting to do
so, it would provide the “one very telling reason why the Soviets might
actually use force”: “to preserve their empire, not only in Rumania but
throughout Eastern Europe. A failure to intervene would signal to the other
Eastern European states that the USSR had either deliberately decided to let
the empire break up or that it was powerless to prevent it.” (Rumania and the Warsaw Pact, CIA/DI/ONE Staff Memorandum 2465, 25/06/65)
In July 1967 Brezhnev announced to the other Pact members (plus
Yugoslavia’s Tito) that he anticipated Romania’s imminent withdrawal from the
alliance. KGB sources confirmed that “such anxieties about Eastern Europe as
existed in Moscow Center when Andropov became chairman [in June 1967] centered
on Romania,” and that “ironically, there was far less concern about
Czechoslovakia” than about Romania at the beginning of 1968. (Document 2 in J. Hershberg, The
Soviet Bloc and the Aftermath of the June 1967 War, J. Hershberg, The Soviet Bloc and the Aftermath of the June 1967 War;
O. Gordievsky and C. Andrew, KGB: Inside
Story (1990): 481-482)
Clearly, Moscow perceived the same causa incursio in Romania and Czechoslovakia – a potential
withdrawal from the alliance and collapse of Soviet security architecture. Defense
Minister Andrei Grechko told the Soviet Politburo in May 1968 that Bucharest was
“seriously considering full withdrawal from the Warsaw Pact” and if it did then
“the Pact would not be able to hold together.” (M. Ouimet, The Rise and Fall of the Brezhnev Doctrine in Soviet Foreign Policy (2003):
Why then did the USSR and loyalist bloc members not invade
Romania earlier? The standard myth is based on the tautology that Romania was
not invaded because it lack any strategic importance for the Soviet Union, and
that insignificance is proven by the lack of Soviet invasion. According to General
Gribkov, however, Moscow’s ability to command the Czechoslovak defense minister
to order his army not to resist was a decisive factor in the Soviet decision to
invade in 1968. Gribkov advised against invading Poland in 1980-81 precisely because
he believed the Polish military to be “battle ready and in a patriotic frame of
mind,” and therefore likely to join in any “struggle against our troops and the
other allied troops.” (Gribkov (1998): 119-147)
Gribkov was equally clear on exactly where Romania stood
along the spectrum bounded by Czechoslovak submission and anticipated Polish
defiance. The Romanians,
Gribkov observed, had immediately “adopted a doctrine of defense of the entire people,” “secretly redeployed” their best troops
“close to the Soviet border,” prepared for the “destruction of aircraft and
airborne troops,” refused permission for the Soviet Warsaw Pact commanders “to land
at Romanian airports or to fly across its territory to Bulgaria without written
permission,” and threatened to shoot down unauthorized Soviet aircraft.
(Gribkov (1998): 75-76)
The CIA concluded that aside from the communist party
holding a monopoly of power two internal conditions had to be met before Moscow
would intervene. First, “the local Party must be alienated from the people” and,
second, “the local leadership must be capable of fragmentation.” Neither of
these conditions held true for Romania in 1968. Both conditions had been
fulfilled by December 1989. ( Czechoslovakia: The Problem of Soviet Control, 16/01/70)
It bears emphasis that the Romanian “threat” to Soviet
interests was not limited to its possible departure from the Pact or internal destabilization.
Bucharest actively challenged Soviet policy, “caused harm to USSR interests,”
and endangered Soviet security across a broad range of issues within the Soviet
bloc and internationally.
According to the Kremlin, there was virtually no chance that
Romania would voluntarily stop pursuing “relationships with the principal
powers that oppose us, in the contemporary world, not only in the political
domain, but also in the economic, military, cultural, etc., diminishing, at the
same time, real collaboration within the framework of the Warsaw Pact and the
CMEA.” Meanwhile, Bucharest undercut Soviet foreign policies in Africa, Latin
America, the Middle East and Asia, for example, by “warning” Khomeni after the
fall of the Shah “not to invite specialists of the USSR into Iran,” and
advocating moves of an “overtly anti-Soviet character” to the Afghanistan
Democratic Republic in the spring of 1979, weeks before the Soviet forces that
would lead the invasion were infiltrated into Kabul under cover. (Documents 1-4
in L. Watts, The Soviet-Romanian Clash over History, Identity and Dominion (2012))
In Moscow’s view, Romania pursued the destruction and
“disintegration” of the alliance from within, by lobbying other Pact members “to combat
together, through joint action, the actions and measures of the USSR within the
CMEA and the Warsaw Pact, as well as on many other questions connected with the
communist and workers movement and the resolution of a series of problems of
international importance.” According to Soviet military leaders, Romania
had “prejudiced the defense efforts of the countries participating in the Pact
during times of peace, as well as in case of an armed aggression.” (Documents
2-4 in L. Watts, The Soviet-Romanian Clash over History, Identity and Dominion (2012))
By the late 1980s Bucharest’s campaign to transform the
alliance out of existence caused serious concern in Moscow. According to other
Pact members, Romania refused “to allow any strengthening of alliance
structures,” and aimed instead to achieve the “weakening” of the alliance. Soviet
officials likewise reported that Romania pursued an “obvious” policy of
“dismantling the organs of political and military cooperation within the Warsaw
Pact.” (Romanian Proposal For Warsaw Pact Reform: Information Regarding The Romanian
Proposal, 08/07/88; Joint Memorandum
of the [Hungarian] Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of National Defense on
the Future of the Warsaw Treaty, 06/03/89,; Document 3, 24/02/89 in CWIHP Bulletin 12/13 (2001): 69)
Romania now also posed a destabilization threat to Soviet
security. During 1983-1985 the KGB’s
London resident received multiple
requests “for intelligence on Western attitudes to Romania” because KGB Center
believed it to be on the verge of an economic collapse that would result in
“loss of control by the regime” and a Romanian “turn toward the West.” Soviet
officials feared the same in 1989. The Soviet foreign ministry warned in
February that, the most likely scenario entailed “the danger of a decisive
shift of the country in the direction of the West (including its exit from the
Warsaw Pact),” after which “financial and
material support from the West, highly probable if there are real changes, may
prove to be very effective for a country possessing a good deal of natural and
economic resources.” (Gordievsky and Andrew (1990): 641; Doc. 1, 02/89 in CWIHP Bulletin 12/13 (2001): 57-59)
Hungarian communist officials
insisted to Western media in July 1989 that Moscow’s “priority is to maintain
the system of alliances,” and that “the Soviet Union considers it essential for Romania to remain a
[member of] the Warsaw Pact.” The sigh of relief in the Kremlin was almost
audible when Romania’s provisional authority announced in December that it
would respect its obligations to the Pact. (M. Shafir, “Matyas Szűrös’s
Interview with RFE’s Romanian Service,” Radio Free Europe, 20/08/89; Background
Report/127, RFER, 20/08/89; TASS, 23/12/89)
Perhaps the greatest problem that Bucharest’s “separate
course” presented for the Kremlin was its impact on the approximately 3 million
co-ethnics in the contiguous Soviet Moldavian and Soviet Ukrainian Republics.
Romania’s defiance made it a point of attraction and a dangerous example of
independent behavior vis-à-vis Moscow Center. And Soviet officials repeatedly
complained of Moldovan susceptibility to Romanian “subversion” during the 60s,
70s and 80s; while undertaking actions to combat that threat. (Documents 11, 13, 17 and 19 in L. Watts, A Romanian Interkit? Soviet Active Measures and the Warsaw Pact Maverick, 1965-1989 (2012))
Moscow thus had a variety of serious motives for considering
an intervention in Romania. More, in fact, than it had regarding any other
member of the Soviet bloc. But did these motives persist under Gorbachev’s “New
By 1988 Gorbachev began signaling a change in Soviet policy
to the effect that the Brezhnev Doctrine was no longer applicable in Eastern
Europe. Few Pact members believed him sincere at the time, partly because of
the continued use of violence within the USSR. (And the legitimacy of that skepticism
was apparently confirmed by Gorbachev’s later authorization of commando
operations against independence movements in Lithuania, Latvia and Azerbaijan.)
However, even as Gorbachev applied “New Thinking” to Eastern
Europe generally speaking, the Kremlin still held Romania to be an area of
special strategic interest because of its links with and attraction for the majority
population in the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic – a unique situation in
the Soviet bloc. According to KGB reports, Romania remained a dangerous center
of subversion and nationalist point of attraction for “Soviet peoples” – i.e.
ethnic Romanian Moldovans and not only – well into late 1989. It is worth
emphasizing that KGB Chief Vladimir Kryuchkov had designated the fight against “the
centers for ideological diversion and nationalists” as the number one
operational priority. Understandably so given that they threatened the
territorial integrity of the USSR. (Doc. 24, 26 and 27 in Watts, A Romanian Interkit? (2012); Andrew and Mitrokhin, The World
Was Going Our Way (2005): 243)
According to the CIA, the December revolution “strengthened”
the identification of Moldovans with Romania and that sentiment was “likely to
grow if Romania’s new regime can stabilize that country and begin to forge a
viable democratic political system.” The projected result was not one Moscow
would have found comforting. “As ethnic Romanians,” the CIA concluded, “the
Moldavians are looking to Bucharest for assistance in resurrecting their
long-suppressed national identity. They also hope to lay a foundation for
eventual reunification with Romania.” Moscow continued to fear and exploit the
Romanian-Moldovan linkage after 1989 in an effort to influence Romanian security
policy and block its entry into NATO, long after it had accepted NATO entry for
Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary. (National Intelligence Daily, 02/10/90.
See also Perestroyka At The Crossroads: An Intelligence Assessment;
J. Bugajski, Cold Peace (2004): 95-8,
103-5, 215)
The 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was another point of major
Soviet vulnerability and concern in late 1989. Alone within the bloc since the
1960s, the Romanians persistently and publicly criticized the 1939 Pact, which
enabled the USSR to annex their former territories of Bessarabia and northern
Bucovina as well as parts of Poland, Finland, and the Baltic states in their
entirety. Specifically, Bucharest condemned the 1939 Pact for encouraging Hitler’s
expansionism and causing World War II. (New York Times, 05/14/66: 4) By mid-1989
the groundswell of protest within the bloc gave alarming proportions to what up
to that point had been singular Romanian protest. When Gorbachev attempted to
justify the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact in December 1987, Ceausescu riposted publicly
that the “agreement signed with Hitler” gave “Germany a powerful
support for her striving towards war, for which mankind paid a
high price, particularly the Soviet Union.” (Scanteia 01/26/88) At their
July 1989 meeting he underscored to the other Pact members that it was “well
known” that “the treaty between Molotov and Ribbentrop, did not stop the aggression,
but on the contrary facilitated it.” (Records
of the PCC Meeting in Bucharest: Speech by the General Secretary of the PCR
(Nicolae Ceauşescu), 7 July 1989: 11-12/144-145,
In mid-November 1989 Ceausescu insisted that Hitler’s
agreement with Stalin be annulled along with all dependent accords, “including
that involving Bessarabia and northern Bucovina” – “a part of Romania that was
ceded because of the agreements with Hitler.” On November 21, before an international
audience at the 14th RCP Congress, he argued the “particularly
important” need to “clearly and unequivocally condemn and cancel all agreements
with Hitler’s Germany,” while
implementing practical measures “to do away with the results of all those
agreements and dictates.” (ANR, CC al PCR, Cancelarie, 76/1989, f. 115-116)
Regardless of its moral or legal merit, such advocacy held
the potential to rip the Soviet Union apart from the Baltic to the Black Sea – and
to destabilize Europe in the process. Diplomats observing this frontal assault
evaluated it as by far the dictator’s “most dangerous” move yet, the gravity of
which was reflected in TASS’s immediate response “that no serious or
responsible politician could bring up the question of post-World War borders,
including the Soviet-Romanian border.” (Y. Govrin, Israeli-Romanian Relations at the End of the
Ceausescu Era (2001): 114)
There were, in fact, several extremely plausible motives for
the USSR to intervene in Romania at the end of 1989. But the existence of
motivation, no matter how powerful, does not prove intent. Indeed, categorical
proof of intent would require an internal Soviet document generated at the time
that clearly indicated it. Even absent such evidence, however, the existence of
contingency plans for intervention certainly justifies hypotheses of intent
under the right conditions.
Were Soviet coercive institutions under Gorbachev continuing
to prepare for such an intervention? Treating either the Soviet Union or
Romania as a unified rational actor in December 1989 is exactly where many
theories and hypotheses regarding the Romanian Revolution come crashing down. Various
groups with conflicting agendas were at work in their party and state
leaderships as well as in their coercive institutions. Many analyses of 1989 overlook
altogether the fact that Gorbachev was unable to reform the Soviet Army/GRU or
the KGB during his six-year tenure. His relationship with the USSR’s
institutions of state coercion was so antagonistic that their leaderships
eventually mounted the coup to oust him in August 1991. (See e.g., Gorbachev's Growing Confrontation with the KGB: A Coming Showdown?, 01/06/88)
Gorbachev’s failure to reform these institutions and the
mutual antagonism between him and them had two very practical implications for
analyses of Romania’s December 1989 Revolution. First, the Soviet military and
the KGB were predisposed to independent behavior, on several occasions going “off
the reservation” during this period. Second, there was virtually no reconsideration
or alteration of KGB or Soviet military contingency plans for dealing with
serious instability among the Bloc members or attempted departures from the Warsaw
Pact. If alliance departure or destabilization constituted triggers for such
contingencies prior to Gorbachev, then they very probably did so at the end of
the 1980s as well.
How then, can one assess “Soviet” policy and intent towards
Romania? Indeed, the question arises as to what was “Soviet” in late 1989, when
Boris Yeltin’s Russia was allied with republican independence movements against
Mikhail Gorbachev’s Soviet Union. And how does one factor in the contradictory
policy interests pursued by competing Soviet authorities? Who best represented
“Soviet” policy toward Romania in December 1989: Gorbachev? The KGB? The Soviet
Army? The latter two carried the main responsibility for implementing Soviet
security policy abroad.
Complex and complicated issues are, perhaps, best addressed
by breaking them down into their component parts and then following the
evidence regarding each component, wherever it may lead. Given such complexity,
the rigorous evaluation of evidence – its reliability and its interpretation –
is of critical importance if one is to avoid the generation of more confusion.
On the other hand, carelessness in approaching the evidence is almost guaranteed
to obscure rather than clarify.
[To be continued]
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